3 Reasons Your Air Conditioner Might Not Be Turning On

No, you’re not going crazy. If your residential HVAC system won’t turn on, and start cooling your home, there’s probably a very good reason. In fact, there might be many, very good reasons. Here are just a few of the most common ones air conditioning companies see. No Maintenance Has Been Performed. One of the … Read more3 Reasons Your Air Conditioner Might Not Be Turning On

Dear Air Conditioners What Would We Do Without You?

Do you have trouble imagining what your life would be like without air conditioning? You are not the only one. For millennia, people have tried to find ways to control and regulate temperature. Even the Roman Emperor, Elagabalus, sent 1,000 slaves to the mountains to collect snow for his gardens during a hot summer in … Read moreDear Air Conditioners What Would We Do Without You?

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