When Was the Last Time That You Had to Call a Plumber?

The rain is a blessing.
After three days of a heat dome hovering above many parts of the country, both the rain and cooler temperatures are a real blessing. Too much of a good thing, however, can also be problematic. In fact, it is often in the rainiest of weather that your septic tank has problems. Fortunately, three years ago your small community made everyone with their own tank move to a city maintenance plan, so this time you are going to have some help fixing the problem.

From regular new construction plumbing installations to septic disposal and maintenance, there are many times when it is in your best interest to work with an experienced professional.

Professional Plumbing Installation Adds to the Value of Any Property

Whether you are in need of help with clogged drains or your property needs a septic tank pump out, it is always important to work with the most qualified professionals who are available. Water is a precious commodity and as many parts of the country deal with drought conditions, it is even more devastating to see the issues faces by those around the globe who do not have access to clean water.

Consider some of these facts and figures about the many ways that plumbing services can keep our homes and lives as safe and healthy as possible:

  • The first indications of indoor plumbing date back to at least 2500 B.C.
  • Today, there are many groups concerned with environmentally friendly use of water. For instance, as recently as the 1990s, new water conservation laws were passed that brought low flow toilets into production.
  • The latest research indicates that there are approximately 27 million low flush toilets now installed in the U.S.
  • The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that the average household will save $90 a year with a low flush toilet.
  • Average indoor water use in a typical single family home is approximately 70 gallons per individual, per day.
  • Septic tank size, total wastewater generated, household size, and volume of solids in wastewater are the four factors that influence the frequency of septic pumping.

Water literally touches every part of our lives. We bathe in it, we drink it, we cook with it, and we enjoy it for recreation. Knowing that you have access to safe water is a key factor in the lives that we live and the future that we dream about.

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